Friday, July 3, 2015

Oprah Talks to Christiane Amanpour

We are used to hearing or seeing Christiane Amanpour interviewing people. Below is an excerpt of an interview done on her by Oprah, from 2005.



Oprah: When you're covering a crisis such as poverty in Africa, do you feel that your role is just to tell the story?

Christiane: The politically correct thing to say is that it's not a journalist's role to be an advocate, to have an agenda, to agitate on behalf of any kind of political position. But in my work, basic matters of life and death are on the table—whether it's genocide in Africa and the Balkans or violations of human rights. I'm not just a stenographer or someone with a megaphone; when I report, I have to do it in context, to be aware of the moral conundrum.
If I'm talking about genocide, for instance, I have to be able to draw a line between victim and aggressor. It would be irresponsible for me and CNN to tell you what the person being gang-raped says, what the rapist says—and to give each equal time and moral equivalence. I can't do that because it means being neutral in the face of
unspeakable horror. When you're
neutral, you're an accessory.

Oprah: That's right. Where are
you headed next?
Christiane: First to Dubai, then
to Africa. I really believe our
generation can end extreme
poverty in places like Africa. If
you asked most Americans how
much of our budget goes to
foreign aid, many would say 15
percent. Only about 0.1 percent
of America's gross domestic
product goes to foreign aid.
Europeans are somewhere
around 0.4. I think there's a lot of
space for Americans to support
their government in giving more
aid in places where it can do a lot
of good.
Oprah: The reason there's
extreme poverty is that the
world allows it.
Christiane: True. In many parts
of the poor world, there are
obviously corrupt governments,
and a lot of work needs to be
done on that. But you can't say
that we'll only help if there's a
good government. Yes, we have
to lobby for good government,
but we also have to help the
poorest of the poor. It's our
responsibility. We're so rich—we
have all the technology, money,
power, media. This is our
moment. If commitments aren't
made now, they may not be
made again in our lifetime. I
don't believe the conventional
wisdom that Americans don't
care what happens in the world.
Individual Americans had an
incredible reaction to the
tsunami—much faster than their
government's reaction.
Americans are a very moral and
compassionate people who
believe in extending a helping
hand, especially when they get
the full facts instead of one-
minute clips.
Oprah: Do you have trouble
getting CNN to allow you to do
longer pieces?
Christiane: Fortunately not. I
just have to present a compelling
case and make sure the story is
valid. I'm lucky.
Oprah: I understand that the rest
of the media wouldn't have
covered the Bosnian War the way
they did ten years ago had it not
been for your insistence.
Christiane: Well, look, that's a
big compliment and very
flattering. I consider Bosnia the
most important work I've ever
done. All during the war, CNN
was there every day, and we
weren't only covering car and
suicide bombs; we did human
interest stories. That made a
difference. I'm absolutely
convinced that had we not been
there—not just CNN but every
news organization there—
perhaps the West might not have
Oprah: The news was in our face.
Christiane: Americans are
concerned with human rights.
Their principles and honor
couldn't tolerate it anymore.
Western democracy cannot sit by
forever while a genocide is
perpetrated. But let me tell you
the flip side of that story—the
time when we didn't shine the
spotlight enough and the world
did sit by.

From the September 2005 issue
of O, The Oprah Magazine


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